
The purpose of this paper is to grasp Jeongeupsa(井邑詞) as a text of Paekjae Cultural Area for attaining a clue to the history of Paekjae Literature. It also arranges the relationship between Paekjae Literaure and Korea Sockyo. By this point of view, we can reach the 'space-time' context of Jeongeupsa clearly, in concurrence with new history of ancient Korean Poetry which contains not only Shilla(Kyeongjoo Cultural Area) but Paekjae. For understandig Jeongeupsa as a text of Paekjae, we have to watch its position on the whole context of Paekjae Poetry. But the existing Paekjae poems are only two(Jeongeupsa and Sanyoohwaka), adding four background stories of missing poems. But we can reach their context and cultural background of 'Paekjae' as space than time. Shilla had failed to harmonize the heart of other contry so the space of Paekjae Culture still alive to the 9th century. Korea Sockyo has some different factors which cannot originate in the cultural space of Hyangga. Especially the rhetoric and the lyric point. We try to find their origin from the 'Repetition' and the 'Refraction' of Paekjae Poetry, not from the 'Series' and the 'Bisymmetry' of Shilla Hyangga. Not only Jeongeupsa will be a clue to this, but many poems of Manyosoo(萬葉集) in Japan can be good instances. The name "Paekjae" is the earnest wish on Koean History. The continentality and oceanic nature of Paekjae have gained the very summit of Korean Culture. We must reconstruct its culture, beginning with the poetry, starting from Jeongeupsa.


Jeongeupsa, Paekjae Cultural Area, Korea Sockyo, Akji of the Korean History, Series, Bisymmetry, Repetition, Refraction, Hyangga, Shilla


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