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중동지역 연구의 혁신적 접근방법론: 학제 간 융합연구를 중심으로

An Innovative Approach on the Middle East Area Studies: Inter-disciplinary Convergence Research

약어 : KJMES
2010 vol.31, no.1, pp.249 - 272
DOI : 10.23015/kames.2010.31.1.009
발행기관 : 한국중동학회
연구분야 : 지역학
Copyright © 한국중동학회
8 회 열람

The convergence on the area study can be thought of as existing between the central insights of 21st century in the humanities and social science. Specially, the fundamental insight is merged with cognitive idea to understand how linkage and system emerges out of routine approach on the area study. This conception of the topic is joining with fundamental insight to understand the evolutionary changes that gave rise to human culture and knowledge. By linking academic unit to culture of Middle East from the top, convergence might be effectively systemized in between humanities, literature and the social sciences in the Middle East area studies. I try to give the outline for theoretically base of convergence on the inter-disciplinary study on the Middle East area study in Korea. A new evolutional system is used to provide a unique vantage point to examine how to develop the system of area study exists in relationship one to the other sciences. It is well known that there currently is convergence in the interdisciplinary academic studies since 2000. There have been so many theoretical approaches on the diversity of academic approaches that the task of new idea will be immensely difficult. Indeed, many scholars would argue that such a convergence is impossible. Others, however, are relies on the fruitful searching for greater convergence within the area studies. In this article, I would also like to develop a concept that contributed to the fruitful exchange on issues pertaining to cognitive and behavioral science on the Middle East for economics, politics,culture, history, religion and etc. My concerning in this article is to discover the absence of a unifying perspective. However, I ultimately minimized the problems associated with disunity and suggested that the diversity of approaches. Convergence has so many unrelated elements of knowledge with so much mutual discrimination,inconsistency, and controversy. To remove the obstacles, I suggest pluralistic approach from a perspective, and overcome a different view on the issue of theoretical disunity on the convergence approach with inter-disciplinary research in the Middle East area studies.

중동, 학제간 융합연구, 국제지역학, 지식시스템
Middle East, Inter-disciplinary Convergence Research,International Area Studies, Knowledge System

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