
본 연구는 한국계 미국인 이민자 가족 구성원의 이문화 적응과 전환 학습의 관계를 탐구하였다. 본 연구는 2쌍의 부부로 구성된 한 가족의 사례 연구로부터 참가자들이 미국 문화에 이문화 적응 시 관점 변화가 발생한 것을 확인하였고, 전환 학습을 발생하게 한 촉진 요소가 이성적 담화와 비판적 반성뿐만 아니라 다른 요소가 될 수 있는 것을 발견하였다. 본 연구는 한국계 미국인 이민자 가족 구성원이 소수 민족으로 경험한 문화, 상황, 대인 관계, 감정, 주관과 같은 요소에 의해 혼란스런 딜레마(disorienting dilemmas)가 촉진되어 전환 학습이 발생하였고, 동화, 두 문화 통합, 전통주의자의 양상으로 나타난 것을 확인하였다.


전환학습, 이문화적응, 한국계 미국인 이민자, 가족


  1. [학술지] / 1998 / 전환학습과 성인교육 4 (1) : 217 ~ 242

  2. [학술지] / 1998 / 중국인과 한국인 이민자들의 소수민족사회 형성과 사회문화적 적응 캐나다 밴쿠버의 사례연구 21 (2) : 144 ~ 181

  3. [학술지] / 1999 / 포스트모더니즘과 페미니즘 시각으로 본 Mezirow의 전환학습 이론 2 (3) : 179 ~ 207

  4. [학술지] / 2003 / The impact of transformational learning on individuals, families and communities 22 (5) : 457 ~ 480

  5. [학술지] / 2004 / Transformational learning theory and implications for human resource development 6 (2) : 211 ~ 225

  6. [학술지] / 1991 / Context and rationality in Mezirow theory of transformative learning : 75 ~ 91

  7. [학술지] / 1989 / The limits of perspective transformation A critique of Mezirow's theory : 99 ~ 107

  8. [학술지] / 1994 / A guide of educators of adults

  9. [학술지] / 1996 / Professional development as transformative learning: New perspectives for teachers of adults

  10. [학술지] / 1999 / Culture as context for adult education: The need for culturally relevant adult education : 5 ~ 18

  11. [학술지] / 1990 / Further perspectives on emancipatory learning : 125 ~ 138

  12. [학술지] / 2004 / Critique of Mezirow's theory of transformative learning: Between inner dialogue and ideology critique 7 (1) : 107 ~ 127

  13. [학술지] / 1998 / The social reality of Korean American women: Toward crashing with the Confucian ideology : 24 ~ 33

  14. [학술지] / 1987199-218 / Employment of Korean immigrant wives and the division of household tasks Korean women in transition

  15. [학술지] / 1998 / Searching for and defining a Korean American identity in a multicultural society : 115 ~ 125

  16. [학술지] / 1995 / Asian Americans: Emerging minorities

  17. [학술지] / 2004 / Transformative and restorative learning: A vital dialectic for sustainable societies 54 (2) : 121 ~ 139

  18. [학술지] / 2004 / The role of cognitive development in Mezirow's transformational learning theory 55 (1) : 60 ~ 68

  19. [학술지] / 1990 / Fostering critical reflection in adulthood A guide to transformative and emancipatory learning : 1 ~ 20

  20. [학술지] / 1991 / Transformative dimensions of adult learning

  21. [학술지] / 1996 / Contemporary paradigms of learning 46 (3) : 158 ~ 172

  22. [학술지] / 1997 / Transformative learning: Theory to practice 74 : 5 ~ 12

  23. [학술지] / 2000a / Preface : xi ~ xviii

  24. [학술지] / 2000b / Learning to think like an adult: Core concepts of transformation theory : 3 ~ 33

  25. [학술지] / 1998 / Demographic characteristics and trends of post-1965 Korean immigrant women and men : 45 ~ 63

  26. [학술지] / 1998a / Attitudes toward ethnic identity, marriage, and familial life among women of Korean descent in the United States, Japan, and Korea : 65 ~ 72

  27. [학술지] / 1998b / Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Korean American women and men : 37 ~ 44

  28. [학술지] / 2003 / Transformative learning: Sojourners' experiences in intercultural adjustment 6 (1) : 1 ~ 15

  29. [학술지] / 2001 / The theory and practice of transformative learning: A critical review 13 (4) : 182 ~ 183

  30. [학술지] / 1997 / Building upon the theoretical debate A critical review of the empirical studies of Mezirow's transformative learning theory 48 (1) : 34 ~ 59

  31. [학술지] / 2000 / Analyzing research on transformative learning theory : 285 ~ 328

  32. [학술지] / 2001 / Transformative learning theory: A neurobiological perspective of the role of emotions and unconscious ways of knowing 20 (3) : 218 ~ 236

  33. [학술지] / 1996 / Learning, culture, and learning culture 47 (1) : 15 ~ 28

  34. [학술지] / 1987184-197 / Korean women in transition

  35. [학술지] / 2005 / Critical reflection on cultural difference in the computer conference 56 (1) : 39 ~ 64