
Tokyo Olympics in 1964 was meaningful considering that it was a nationwide Olympics held about 20 years after the end of the World War ll. Japanese literary writers had left exemplary quantity of records showing the greatest interest in the Olympics since it was held in their country. Even called ‘the Olympics of ink brush’, the writers competitively wrote numerous articles. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to verify the meaning and the value of 1964 Tokyo Olympics based on their writings. To begin with, the first section as a prologue is looking at the relations between the city of Tokyo and the Olympics. Tokyo had been selected for the Olympics three times including the 1940 Olympics when Japan gave up holding the event because of the war. It is very rare to find a city that has this much frequent connection to the Olympics. Thus, the bond between the city and the Olympics is investigated in the paper, followed by the research focusing on contributions of literary writers on the Olympics, mainly based on the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Next, the ‘Missing Olympics’ in 1940 is scrutinized in the second section. The process of planning the 1940 Olympics purposely to celebrate the 2600th year since the birth of the country and giving up holding the event is depicted as well as its effect on Japanese citizens. As a result, it was found why a number of Japanese reminded of the ‘Missing Olympics’ in 1940 which naturally reminded the World War ll during the 1964 Olympics. The objectives of the third section is to analyze different scenes of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics by looking at relevant writings and categorizing them into the opening ceremony, the game and the closing ceremony. Two literary writers were selected to be compared among many writers since the two took opposite directions to one another. In other words, it was verified that Mishima Yukio, who was an extreme nationalist advocating the society ruled by Emperor, had a clearly distinguished view from that of Oe Kenzaburo, who denied the Emperor Government and advocated for the world piece, from the way they described the Emperor to their perspectives on the Olympics. Furthermore, the fourth section is written to investigate the writers who participated in the film Tokyo Olympiad, a documentary film for the Tokyo Olympics. This proved the literary writers who wrote the screenplay as well as directed the film were the significant contributors of the film's artistic excellence which is harder to achieve in the genre of documentary film. Lastly, the ending starts with the introduction of a novel about the Tokyo Olympics, Olympic no Minoshirokin, written by Okuda Hideo. This is a fiction carefully written based on the fact by vigorous research and verification of the preparation process of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. This novel teaches us how the city of Tokyo transformed with the event of the Olympics, what happened behind the scene of the transformation and how Japanese reacted to the change. Like this example, essays, novels and films documented by literary writers are the resources that is more valuable than any other historical documentation to envision the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.


Tokyo Olympics, Mishima Yukio, Oe Kenzaburol, Nationalism, Internationalism, Documentary Film <Tokyo Olympiad>


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