
Yu Mong-in(柳夢寅, 1559~1623) is one of numerous intellectuals against dethronement of queen and killing brother(廢母殺弟) by the Dae-buk(大北) faction during Reign of King Kwanghae-gun(光海君). At the same time, he is the sole intellectual adhere to the Fidelity to his Principle(節義) for King Kwanghae-gun(光海君). Yu Mong-in's these political posture is What for? To answer this, I trace the six months process from Coup of the king In-Jo(仁祖反正, 1623.3) to Yu Mong-in's dying day(1623.8). And I examine the historical and literary tradition and the meaning of the Fidelity to his Principle(節義) for King Kwanghae-gun(光海君).


유몽인(柳夢寅), 인조반정(仁祖反正), 광해군(光海君), 절의(節義), 북인(北人), 서인(西人)


  1. [단행본] / 1977 / 어우집(附 어우야담) / 경문사

  2. [기타] 鄭載崙 / 公私見聞錄

  3. [기타] / 인조실록

  4. [단행본] 李肯翊 / 1967 / 練藜室記述 23권

  5. [단행본] 徐有防 / 어우집 후집 권6 : 603

  6. [단행본] 成海應 / 硏經齋全集 續集 17책 : 459

  7. [기타] 李肯翊 / 練藜室記述 23권

  8. [단행본] 趙翼 / 浦渚集 권23 : 417

  9. [기타] / 일성록

  10. [기타] / 三國志

  11. [기타] / 후한서

  12. [기타] 李瀷 / 星湖僿說 권29

  13. [기타] 楊維楨 / 鐵厓逸編 권3

  14. [기타] / 어우집