
In the middle of 17th century, the academic inclination which was against the doctrine of Zhuxi(朱熹) was widespread in Joseon Dynasty. Song Si-yeol(宋時烈), the follower of Zhuxi, worried about that probiem seriously. And he thought that the only way to solve that problem was to make a thorough study of Zhuxi’s doctrine. Song Si-yeol studied the doctrine of Zhuxi very hard, especially about Juja Daejeon(朱子大全), the book which contains the core of Zhuxi’s thought. Song Si-yeol’s most important purpose to study Juja Daejeon was to make a handbook for students who study Juja Daejeon. So he wrote two books. One is Juja Daejeon Cha-eui(朱子大全箚疑), the annotation of Juja Daejeon, and the other is Jeoljak Tongpyeon(節酌通編), the selection from Juja Daejeon. Song Si-yeol accepted Yi Hwang(李滉)’s annotation of Juja Daejeon, conbined it with his new annotation and made Juja Daejeon Cha-eui(朱子大全箚疑). And he also integrated Jujaseo jeolyo(朱子書節要), Yi Hwang’ selection from Juja Daejeon and Jumun Jakhai(朱文酌海), Jeong Kyeong-se(鄭經世)’s selection and made his new selection, Jeoljak Tongpyeon(節酌通編). Namely, Song Si-yeol studied Juja Daejeon on the base of academic tradition and results of studying on Juja Daejeon which were made by former scholars from the middle of 16th century to middle of 17th century like Yi Hwang and Jeong Kyeong-se. And with his own annotation and theory, Song Si-yeol made academic development of the study of Neo Confucianism in Joseon Dynasty.


宋時烈, 『朱子大全箚疑』, 『節酌通編』, 『朱子大全』, 『朱子書節要』, 『朱文酌海』


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