
The free semester program was implemented in Korean middle schools from 2016 in order to establish the turning point of primary and secondary school reform. This study examined the diversification of teaching and learning, which is one of the 'classroom innovations' in the free semester system, and searched for its value and problems. For this study, the teaching and learning styles were compared based on the Paideia Proposal proposed by Adler, which led the American primary and secondary education reforms in the 1980s. Free semester teaching and learning were reviewed based on three main types proposed by Adler-learning of knowledge, development of function, and expansion of understanding. The fundamental goal of the free semester program is to encourage students to be self-directed, creative, able to solve problems themselves, and to lead a happy school life. In order to do this, various methods are practiced in teaching and learning, but acquiring knowledge, a task to be done at the beginning of middle school, tends to be neglected. Also, some students complained of fatigue due to participation in excessive learning activities, projects, and performance evaluations. Leading active participation in learning is positively valued, but basic learning functions for active participation must also be trained at school. These functions are useful skills for knowledge acquisition, discussion, and seminars. Gradual efforts are needed to ensure that student participation activities do not end with the free semester but continue in the regular semester.


paideia proposal, free semester program, teaching and learning, acquisition of knowledge, development of skill, enlargement of the understanding


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