
This article examines the process by which Hyeon Chae (玄采), who had been a yeokgwan (譯官) in Joseon, emerged as a modern intellectual through his works on foreign book translation and textbook compilation. Hyeon worked at the Hakbu (學部) as a translator and compiler of textbooks after the 1894 Kabo Reforms. He did not limit himself to performing a passive role as a government official. Hyeon has been concerned about the organization of textbooks and worked to give new meaning to his translation work within the context of his times. He translated foreign books for the purpose of educating people and ultimately making the Daehan Empire a rich and powerful independent nation. Hyeon’s consciousness and knowledge which have accumulated through translations manifest clearly in the Yunyeonpildok(幼年必讀), an introductory textbook for children and the general public. Hyeon attempted to organize the material in a clear and straightforward manner suitable for the level of children or those new to modern education. He intended to evoke people’s patriotism through various contents in this book. Hyeon also recognized the necessity of industrial and scientific education in reaching the goal of building a rich, powerful, and independent nation, Hyeon Chae, who had been a lower level official in the premodern era, transformed himself into an active modern intellectual who would lead the introduction, processing, and circulation of modern knowledge through translation.


Hyeon Chae (玄采), translation, modern intellectual, modern knowledge, Yunyeonpildok (幼年必讀), yeokgwan (譯官)


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