
This study aims to find out if backchannel practice of Korean has any significant characteristics in variables of age and gender. Following is the results of this study. First, depending on the frequency of backchannel practice, any significant differences were not discovered in age group. However, there were some differences in gender group. Women were disposed to perform backchannel more often than men. Second, the preceding speaker's utterance length where we prefer to perform backchannel was calculated to be 8 words on an average. As to this aspect, no differences were discovered both among age groups and among gender groups. Third, basing on the types of backchannel performance, the younger primary students prefer to a simple type to show their listening attitude and attention to the preceding speaker's utterance, and the older students and adults were used to perform backchannel affirming or agreeing to the proposition content of preceding speaker.


맞장구, 대화 분석, 성별, 연령별, 유의미한 차이, 수행 빈도, 수행 유형, 수행 위치, 선행 발화 길이, 청취형 맞장구, 인식형 맞장구


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