
This thesis brings out a problem to the fact that existing discussions about Chang Sub Sohn's novel are commonly concentrated on his early works which are classified into Korean postwar literatures of 1950. Created during late 1960 and 1970, 『Naksojok』 and 『You-Maeng』 are worthy because they are on the branch of Chang Sub Sohn's works that reveal the present throughout the past. In 『Naksojok』, the writer described a personal emotion full of sadness and rage, and set the caricatured character who is separated from the real world. On the contrary, 『You-Maeng』 shows the problem of Korean Japanese's identity. At the same time, it figures out the life of Korean People both who lived in the period of Japanese colony and in 1970's Korean Japanese's first and second generation. Moreover, 『You-Maeng』 has complex and multi-layered structures like the problems of identity and colonial discourses. Most of all, 『You-Maeng』 is located in the border area between Diaspora literature and Korean literature. 『You-Maeng』 has the features of Korean Literature cause it was written in Korean Language and it's reader were Korean too. However, 『You-Maeng』 also has a meeting point with Diaspora literature in some aspects such as the vivid description of Japanese Society and the narrator who is considered as the writer's other self. 『You-Maeng』 is quite close to 'the literature of Diaspora of the Korea in Japan' both in synchronic and diachronic point of view, especially due to it's delicate description of the difference and the boundary.


손창섭, 재일 디아스포라, 정체성,「낙서족」, 『유맹』


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