2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2017.152
Retrospect and Prospect of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao’ Economic Relations Since Reform and Opening Up

任思儒 李郇 陈婷婷

Ren Siru, Li Xun, Chen Tingting


Keywords:Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao; Economic Relations; Spatial Pattern; Bay Area


改革开放近40 年的发展见证了粤港澳经济合作举世瞩目的成就。粤港澳三地的经济关系由早期单一的“前店后厂”跨地域分工模式向“厂店结合”等多种模式并举演变,实现了地域范围的延展与合作内涵的丰富。进入21 世纪后,香港经济转型的同时面临广东省服务业崛起的挑战,粤港澳三地通过基础设施的对接与优化不断争夺腹地,以突破土地资源的束缚实现经济发展空间的拓展;“一带一路”与“人民币国际化”战略背景之下,金融业合作可能成为粤港澳经济合作第三阶段的发展重点。在经济关系转变的同时,粤港澳的空间格局亦由“小集聚、大分散”逐步转向“小分散、大集聚”。分析粤港澳未来经济关系的走向,认为粤港澳区域合作将从分散发展走向边界突破,从宜居湾区走向世界级湾区,从中心—腹地走向枢纽—网络,最终实现对经济关系转变的空间回应。


The development of reform and opening up for 40 years has witnessed the achievements of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao’ economic cooperation. The economic relations evolved from “the shop before the factory” to “the combination of factory and shop” and other modes. Since the 21st century, Hong Kong faces the challenges of the rise of service industry in Guangdong Province. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao are constantly competing for the hinterland through infrastructure connection and optimization to cope with constraints of land resources and expansion of economic development space. Under the background of “the Belt and Road Initiatives”and “the Trend of RMB Internationalization”, the financial industry cooperation may become the focus of regional development at the third stage. With the transformation of economic relations, the spatial pattern of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao has evolved from “micro-agglomeration & macro-dispersal” to “macro-agglomeration & microdispersal”. The paper analyzes the future economic relations among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and points out that regional cooperation has moved from decentralized development to boundary breakthrough, from the livable Bay area to the world-class Bay area, from the center-hinterland to the hub-network, and finally realizes the spatial response to the transformation of economic relations.






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