
The Japanese government require territorial sovereignty on Takeshima, Senkaku Islands, northern territories. Current Korea actually has managed Takeshima, and Japan has actually managed Senkaku Islands, and Russia has actually managed the Northern Territories. this study are analyzed Japan's territorial disputes between 1950 to 1970. In particular, The Japanese government was not claimed the Senkaku Islands and the Northern Territoriesfor less than Dokdo. The reason is as follows. South Korea managed effectively before the signing of the peace treaty. The reason is that Union recognized Dokdo as Korea territory in the peace treaty. In addition, The Japanese government has recognized Dokdo as Korea territory implicitly in the peace talks between Korea and Japan. However, the Government of Japan strongly argued for the sovereignty on Northern Territory. Okinawa was returned to Japan from the United States. then the United States had given the Jurisdiction right of Senkaku Islands to Japan. Taiwan and China demanded Senkaku Islands territorial sovereignty to the Japanese. Currently Japan and China are surrounding on the ownership of Senkaku Islands. Japan are in trouble for China to claim ownership of Senkaku Islands. Japan got in trouble for Russia does not give up ownership of the archipelago kulril.


Senkaku Islands, daowi Island, Northern Territory, Kuril Islands, Dokdo, Takeshima


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