
This study is analyzing the limit in Japan's claims over peace line, by taking a look at Japan's perception of peace line. The peace line issue was a pending issue between Korea and Japan, because it is an issue that deals with past historical affairs. Japan's perception of a peace line is contradictory from that of Korea. The Japanese Diet believes that regarding the peace line, President Lee Seungman declared sovereignty over territorial waters and international waters for Korean national defense needs. Korea rebutted the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affair's claim by pointing out that Japan showed an intention to invade. Moreover, regarding the precedents of the peace line, Korea gives examples of South American countries' declaration of sovereignty over water bodies. Regarding this wordy war over the Korean peace line, the Japanese Diet views the Korean peace line as an exclusive and self-righteousness act, and concludes that Japan can also claim the same as Korea. Consequently, the Japanese Diet considers the possibility of a similar declaration regarding the Korean peace line argument. In line with this attempt, the Japanese Diet criticizes Korea's peace line policy. However, Japanese attempts were limited due to the U.S. that was greatly concerned about the possible aggravation of Korean-Japan ese relationship. Thus, this paper analyzes what inquiries and solutions the Japanese Diet suggested to the Japanese government, in response to the Korean peace line. Moreover, this paper will analyze how the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs attempted to solve this problem, and what the limits of their solution was.


peace line, past historical affairs, inherent territory


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