
This article researched the relationships to the canonization of the Pentateuch of the Old Testament and the theocracy under the Persian empire as a social historical method. Geopolitically ancient Isreal was surrounded by the super powerful theocracy of Assyria, Babylon, Persia of Mesopotamia and Egypt empires. After Israel became to the united kingdom, king David and Solomon also ruled the people over the theocracy with Zadoc and priests. When Judea was collapsed by Babylon empire in 587 B.C., Zadoc priests were captured and deported to Babylon and at the same time the theocracy was also collapsed. Persian king Cyrus raised and destroyed Babylon, and unfolded the policy to the exile peoples to return their home land. After returning from the exile, religious groups - prophetic, apocalyptic, Zadoc, Levities, priests - conflicted to reconstruct the temple which was collapsed by Babylon empire, 587 B.C. Zadoc group who was sponcered from Perisian empire gained the religious power of temple. After that, Persian kings and government sent the high priest Esra as a religious ruler in Jerusalem and supported him by the political, social, economical, religious helps, and gave him the theocratical power and responsibility leading many priests and ruling the people of Israel. Esra initiated to make the Pentateuch on the final stage for the purpose of spreading in the ruling ideology of the theocracy to the people. Though the Old Testament was written by the inspiration of God, Esra, Priestly writer (P), and priest group of leading the theocracy during the Perisian empire partly or strongly permeated in Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Chronicles of the Old Testament to insert laws about temple, priests, sacrifice offerings in the name of Moses and God for maintaining the religious power of priests under the Persian empire. Esra and priests of Israel compromised with Persian kings and government. In here Korean church today also got a big power and money. Some priests and elders make use of the theocracy to construct the mega church building pouring tens of billion, hundreds of billion won. They descented priest's son with ownership of mega church, and make the conservative and fundamental political party. They were corrupted. On the contrary, they ignored the isolated people and voices of social justice and peace in society. Korean churches focus on expanding their matrial basis by making use of God and Jesus. They have to realize not to tail away the theocracy of priests of the Old Testament.


신권정치, 종교권력, 지배이념, 페르시아 제국, 오경, 사독 제사장, 레위 제사장, 에스라 대제사장.


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