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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 31, 2017

Ilmenite breakdown and rutile-titanite stability in metagranitoids: Natural observations and experimental results

  • Samuel Angiboust EMAIL logo and Daniel Harlov
From the journal American Mineralogist


Rutile and titanite commonly form by replacement of ilmenite in metamorphic rocks. Exhumed orthogneiss from the Western Alps show that titanite is mostly stable below 1 GPa while rutile seems to dominate within rocks recrystallized under higher pressures. We herein investigate phase relationships for four granitic compositions with variable CaO content at medium to high-pressure conditions (0.7–1.6 GPa, 450–650 °C) with a focus on ilmenite breakdown and Ti-bearing species formation. Our piston-cylinder experiments show that, in the investigated P-T range, ilmenite reacts during metamorphism above 1.2–1.4 GPa to form rutile. Below this pressure, titanite is the dominant Ti-bearing species for most granitoid compositions. We also show that the position of this reaction curve is strongly influenced by the whole-rock Ca activity. For low-Ca activities, rutile may be stable down to 0.7 GPa (and below) within ilmenite pseudomorphs while the titanite stability field may extend to pressures >1.3 GPa for Ca-richer compositions. Both species may be stable in one single sample depending on the local Ca activity gradients. The finding of metamorphic rutile within metagranitoids with CaO contents >2 wt% can be considered, under certain conditions, as a reliable indicator of high-pressure metamorphism. This study also highlights the importance of improving our knowledge of the phase relationships between rutile and titanite as a function of P-T-X to better interpret the textural and tectonic history in natural samples as well as the meaning of age values yielded by rutile and titanite geochronometers.


The authors acknowledge W. Heinrich and M. Koch-Müller to provide access to the GFZ experimental laboratory. S. Herting-Agthe, B. Wunder, and H-P. Nabein are thanked for technical assistance during experiments. C. Schmidt and J. Hermann are thanked for insightful advices and discussions. We acknowledge D. Rhede and O. Appelt for assistance with electron probe measurements. Emilie Janots and Mike Williams are warmly acknowledged for their constructive reviews. S.A. acknowledges the A. von Humboldt foundation for a post-doctoral grant that made this work possible. This is IPGP contribution 3840.

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Received: 2016-12-9
Accepted: 2017-4-10
Published Online: 2017-7-31
Published in Print: 2017-8-28

© 2017 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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