최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

토니 모리슨의 『사랑』에 나타난 이중 내러티브 구조를 통한 정체성 연구

A Study on Identity through Double Narrative Structure in Toni Morrison’s Love

  • 63

The purpose of this study is to examine characters in Toni Morrison’s Love who struggle to form identities in a world full of racial inequality, through the structure of a double narrative. There are two narrators who use the first-person narrative and the third-person narrative respectively in the text. In particular, this thesis demonstrates how the types and modes of narrative affect the reception of the text. By using the first-person narrator L, who was a former cook in the Cosey’s family hotel, and the third-person narrator in the main story, the novel explores the development of their identities through the experience of the characters. The two double narrative modes are clearly distinguished by the use of italics for L’s narrative and the use of Roman Font for the third-person narrator. The characters Heed, Christine, and Junior are bound to each other in a triangular relationship that forms a unity between the three women. Moreover, the two men are individually connected to Bill Cosey in the triangular relationship of identity that includes separation, betrayal, rape, and murder, as well as the collective trauma of racial injustice. While they have their individual histories of experiences that shapes their souls, their identities are intertwined. Therefore, the moment of forming their identities happens simultaneously. In conclusion, these characters experience the development of their identities through Heed’s reconciliation with Christine.

1. 들어가며

2. 이중 내러티브 구조

3. 화해를 통한 정체성 확립

4. 나가며
