
This study focuses on the flow of story and content or related context when using movies as learning materials in a class. A great advantage of using movies is that they have a consistent story and detailed content development. Most teachers, however, tend to concentrate on practical expressions totally unrelated to the story or context of the movie they are using. This way might be efficient in the short run but it is certain that the expressions are unlikely to be retained in long-term memory. This study examines how a story-centered class influences learning of practical expressions and how efficient this approach to learning is. Learning and teaching with focus only on the expressions in a movie shades the meaning of the use of the movie a little. In this study the movie, Cars 2, was used in a course of general education with 150 students enrolled. Various group activities were suggested to immerse students into the story and contents of Cars 2. It was found that a story-centered class is helpful for students to acquire practical expressions and that students’ satisfaction level with the class was high.


내용 중심 영어수업, 영화 영어교재, 실용적 영어표현, 문맥, 줄거리 흐름


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