
The background of historical Jing-Ju is a history, but the history Chinese wants to watch on the stage is the history dramatized by talented actors/actresses, not the history they want to learn. This thesis intends to examine traditional repertories whose background is historical people or accidents, among the lots of Jing-Ju repertories by each period, grasp periods, accidents, people, etc. preferred by Chinese and examine how they were dramatized. The general characteristics of historical Jing-Ju, grasped by each period, are as follows. The first, for the reason that there are lots of historical Jing-Ju in opera repertories, it can be mentioned by Chinese descriptive tradition and historical tradition. As lots of Chinese novels and drama works were written by history, basic models are suggested and clear development is shown, so there is an aspect which is advantageous for dramatization. Also, there are lots of works whose material is history for not only opera but also drama, TV drama because of the characteristics of China where historical books such as 『史記』, 『戰國策』, etc. The second, the period which is the background of historical Jing-Ju focuses on 漢 period, 三國 period, 隋唐 period, 宋 period and 明 period. It seems to be reflected by Chinese superiority to some degree if considering Jing-Ju was extremely popular during the 民國 period. The third, there are many characters who have patriotism loyalty among the historical Jing-Ju. It seems to be the result of discovering lots of materials for appealing patriotism in the situation they were dominated by Japan and the West during the 民國 period. The forth, the most single material is 『三國志』 among the historical Jing-Ju. This material has the factors of traditional idea, loyalty, fidelity, etc, but there are the most interesting characters and they were popularized by novels, etc. The fifth, in the historical Jing-Ju, the contents and character forms can be sometimes changed by character's skill because character's artistic achievement can play a great role for the completion of Jing-Ju.


경극, 레퍼토리, 조대, 특징, 역사


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