
From Post-Modern Edo-language of Japan, it is possible to find expression formats related to current Tokyo language. However, in some cases, Tokyo language and Edo-language has the same format but different usage. One example is the ending portion of a sentence. This research investigates conclusive expressions of Edo-language in literary works excluding the usage of 「ダ」. Various formats of conclusive expressions appear in a conversation, and the usage is closely related to the speaker’s sex, age, and social status. Also from the study, it was possible to see that the social relationship between a speaker and a listener and a conversation circumstance has an effect on the usage of conclusive expressions. In addition, usage does not conform to the current standard Japanese. 1. Currently 「である(dearu)」 format is seldom used in speaking, it is used with 「だ」 only in writing. The study found no case of 「である(dearu)」 in conclusive expressions but some use of 「であろうて(dearoute)·であらうな(dearouna)」「であったのう(deattanou)·であったよ(deattayo)」 only in old aged male. 2. 「であります(dearimasu)」 format is a typical Edo-language used by society-women (Japanese hostess who has a good education and an elegant speaking skills). This format was used once in 『浮世風呂』(ukiyoburo) and 14times in 『梅暦』(umegoyomi), but speakers were always a female. The reason for 14 occurrences in 『梅暦』 is closely related to the fact that the main characters are society-women and genre is 「人情本(ninjoubourn)」 which is popular type of cultural literature (based on humanity and romance) in late Edo period. 3. 「でござる」 format is originally used as a respect-language but later changed to a polite language. The format is always used by male. It is a male language used by old aged people with a genteel manner such as a medicaldoctor, a retired man, or a funny-song writer. 4. 「ございます(gozaimasu)·ごぜへます(gozeemasu)」The study found the speaker’s social status has a connection with the use of 「ごぜへます(gozeemasu)」 format. Which is 「ございます(gozaimasu)」 format but instead of [ai], long vowel [eː] is used. 「ごぜへます(gozeemasu)」 is more used by a female than a male and only used by young and mid-to-low class people. The format has a tough nuance and less elegant feel, therefore high class and/or educated ladies have a clear tendency to avoiding it


문말형식, 단정표현, 에도어, 浮世風呂, 梅暦, 위상어, 敬意度


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