
The purpose of this work is to explain categorial correlations between indirect evidentiality and epistemic modality on the basis of semantic, pragmatic usages of Russian so-called non-specialized lexical markers of evidentiality, such as kazhetsja, naverno, vidimo, poxozhe, dolzhno byt' etc. To do this, firstly I concentrated on the parameter of internal functional variation of a given parenthetic word. Secondly, I approached this topic from a typological perspective. Thirdly, I accepted Sweeter(1990)'s methodological assumption that etymological prototype of a given word plays a great role in grammatical, semantic,pragmatic changes. As a result, I could postulate general tendencies of grammaticalizations (or semantic, pragmatic, funtional changes) in the direction from epistemic modality to indirect evidentialty, which consists of inferentives, presumptives, and quotatives. For example, such a parenthetic word as kazhetsja can functions not only as a marker of epistemic modality of uncertainty, but also as inferentives. Besides,it is very interesting that this word lately has started to function as quotatives,too. This kind of functional variations are very characteristic in these spheres.


간접증거성, 인식양상, 기능변이, 어휘적 표지, 언어유형론


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