
Tan Yuanjie(谭元杰) of CHINA COSTUME ART OF PEKING OPERA(『中国京剧服装图谱』) is 'Foreword' attention from the bar 'Formalism'. A note is makeup system from ever performances here, 'what kind of adaptation must be a corresponding type of costume should be worn.' This stance to 'type of person's identity and faced the scene correlated' with the actual performance tradition plays out is going and, while here the rules to capture the opera's on the character of 'identity and the circumstances under clothing' is defined. This position discussed previously 'Formalism' in line with the will he perform, and looks to meet the elements of production. This basic stance is clean up, while 'Old Beijing Opera costumes costumes taxonomy largely' literary costume' and 'militant outfit' into two groups divided over throughout steamroll surgery, because surely need to have a more systematic classification. The classification system was established as 'Part 1. Mang, Part 2. Pi, Part 3. Xi, Part 4. Kao, Part 5. YI'. In addition to these classification systems, as well as the aforementioned 'object theory' Given the symbolic significance of the capacity to keep in mind is necessary. Costumes conduct, character, situation, atmosphere and so the transport of charged symbols here, a target symbol of the system is the projection of water. This costume is detrimental to the mall for the positionsay, but I kept in mind damwongeolyi internationalization of Chinese culture. when you see the view from the perspective of semiotic systems for the sign, that the theater is necessary to complement. In this paper, 'Yi(衣)' costume on the corresponding point of the target compared to the China Culture Department of Theatre and Folklore methodology ran off and sprinting was to lay the groundwork for research.


담원걸 『中國京劇服裝圖譜』, 정형성, 한중문화비교, 연극학, 민속학


  1. [단행본] 譚元杰 / 2008 / 中國京劇服裝圖譜 / 北京工藝美術出版社

  2. [단행본] 黃鈞 / 2001 / 京劇文化詞典 / 漢語大詞典出版社

  3. [학술지] 조만호 / 2010 / <中國京劇服裝圖譜>의 帔ㆍ靠ㆍ褶 / 중어중문학 (46) : 71 ~ 111

  4. [학술지] 조만호 / 2010 / <中國京劇服裝圖譜>의 帔ㆍ靠ㆍ褶 / 중어중문학 (46) : 71 ~ 111