
One of the things that should be done first in establishing the cosmic life culture is to reflect on the old human-oriented culture. If the cosmic life culture absolutizes everything except for humans according to the logic of reason, its foundation will weaken or eventually get lost. Separating humans from the universe is just like separating life from it. Given that all life, whether it is humans or the earth, originated from the universe, such an effort for separation merely values an individual life by excluding all life or whole life. When the human body and the cosmic chi' blood are not in an active flow, it means there is a problem with life. What is in the greatest need in such a case is the sincere human mind that follows the principle of cosmic life. It is like the sincerity found in the pasonri singer, who mellows all the hardships and difficulties in the world out and create songs out of them like the shadow. It is the pansori singer's shadow that changes the universe. It is only when the extreme force of human mind communicates with that of the universe that the cosmic life or cosmic life culture can be created. In that sense, it is urgent to create life out of the universe inside me and create a universe out of all life in and outside me. It is such a grave plan in human history in that it involves finding the "Sanal" which is the core of life living hidden inside the body whose life force gradually goes away or inside the universe, and creating the culture of Bokseung in which it bursts out. The most important thing in life is the flow, and the mankind is currently standing in the life flow of the massive universe's chaosmos. The greatest task the mankind is currently faced with is to think over how to deal with the period of Big Chaos in the massive universe's chaosmos reversely and establish the cosmic life culture anew.


우주 생명 문화, 몸, 기혈, 산알,복승, 카오스모스, 대혼돈


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