
The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of application of some French and German movies to teaching of multi-culture in elementary, middle and high schools. Three different films are selected. <Kirikou and the wild Beasts>(2005), a French animation film directed by Bénédicte Galup and Michel Ocelot, is appropriate for the education of understanding cultural relativity and improving multi-cultural sensitivity in elementary school. <Loin du 16e> is a French short film directed by Walter Salles and Daniela Thomaso and included in omnibus style film <Paris, je t'aime>(2006). This short film relating a story of an immigrated woman who leaves her baby in a crèche and travels through Paris to work for a bourgeois mother can be used for developing a bond of sympathy between natives and immigrants. It is recommended for the class of junior high school. Finally <The Edge of heaven>(2007), a German film directed by Fatih Akin, provide a learning model for the education of multi-culture in high school classrooms. The cinematographic aesthetic of this film is focused on a process of reconciliation with others over the cultural, racial, national and generational differences. Analyzing the structure of the film and being guided by teachers the students can understand better in improving abilities to understand others.


다문화교육, 영화, 키리쿠, 천국의 가장자리, 사랑해 파리


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