
This paper article aims to introduce Dokseubilhancheokdok, and as the first stage of the study, we briefly show the bibliographic informations and internal composition. In chapter 2, the authors summerized the author’s bibliography and bibliographical information on the 3 editions of Dokseubilhancheokdok. In chapter 3 we summarized the table of contents, it can be seen that the contents of Dokseubilhancheokdok could be classified firstly into 17 types, secondly into 55 sub-types. In Chapter 4, based on the classifications summarized in Chapter 3, the selection of ritual phrases in the text and the translation patterns of Chinese texts are discussed. In Chapter 5, the features and characteristics of the ‘top column’of Dokseubilhancheokdok were identified. It can be seen that while the original Japanese text was translated into Korean, the author did not just transfer the ritual phrases suggested in the original Japanese text as it is, but went through a certain selection. It also revealed that phrases with Chinese grammar characteristics, including four-character idiom and phrases expressed in “返り点” that appeared in the original Japanese language, tend to be broken up into Chinese-Korean mixed text. As a result of comparing the ‘top column’ of the existing readings, the ‘top column’ of Dokseubilhancheokdok not only has the function of a ‘Japanese-Korean dictionary’, but also shows the inflow process of vocabulary borrowed from Japanese during the enlightenment period. It is a vocabulary, also a thesaurus that can be replaced with synonymous words when writing sentences.


독습일한척독, 근대계몽기의 일한 대역, 한문구의 해체, 난상 자료


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