Interoperability of electronic health records using Semantic Knowledge Graphs. A use case applied at the UTPL University Hospital


  • Monica Calva Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Nelson Piedra Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja



data integration, knowledge graphs, semantic web, semantic interoperability, electronic health records


Patient medical information is diverse, extensive
and of high value in supporting informed medical decision-making.
This information is highly complex, is distributed among different
systems, presents high heterogeneity, is stored in different formats,
and has different structuring levels. The management of this
information poses interoperability challenges in tasks related to data
integration and reuse. In this paper, an alternative is presented to
face these challenges using semantic technologies. We propose to
transform this heterogeneous, distributed, and unstructured
information in a way that ensures high interoperability, reuse, and
direct processing by machine agents. The pilot of this proposal was
developed at the UTPL Hospital.


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