
The purposes of this study are to analyse expressions of hedges in English addresses at lexical and syntactic levels, and to testify Arndt & Janney(1991)'s proposal that a speaker in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) situation can have difficulty in using hedges appropriately in interpersonally salient position. In order to achieve these purposes, inaugural addresses such as George Washington (1789), Thomas Jefferson (1801), Abraham Lincoln (1861), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933), John F. Kennedy (1961), Margaret Thatcher (1976), Ronald Reagan (1981), George Bush (1989), Bill Clinton (1993), Ki Moon Ban (2006), Dae Jung Kim (2007), and Myung Bak Lee (2008) are analysed in interpreting the expressions and the meanings of hedges. The results showed that linguistic devices of hedges in English addresses were described as realizing communicative strategies such as indetermination of an utterance, depersonalization of an utterances, formal objectivization of an utterance, and subjectivization of an utterance. It was also shown that downtoners, modality, personal/impersonal constructions, and passives at lexical and syntactic levels were described in English addresses as a strategy which renders speakers' messages more vague and thus reduces the force of what they are saying. Furthermore, it was testified that non-native speakers used less hedge expressions than native speakers in English addresses, which may lack the interpersonal flavor that the use of hedges conveys. (Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation)


hedges, meanings of hedges, vagueness, indirectness, mitigation, downtoners, personal/impersonal constructions


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