
Recently under the situation that importance of cultural contents are emphasized, attention for development of cultural contents and industry are increasing now, This study considered that since 1990s ‘Kawaii', one of the Japanese beauties, out of existing narrow range has formed cultural code which can represent Japanese pop culture, it intends to analyze associated with fashionThis study is based on the documents ofTokyo Girls Collection, TGCwhich was evaluated as symbolic existence of Japanese 'Kawaii' in several previous studies. After analyzing season concept and work description of total 81 brands which are published in internet homepage of TGC(12S/S-14A/W) for last 3 years, we extracted ‘Kawaii'code which was implied in it. Analyzing results shows that targeted women show contradictory features of mature image to strive their own style and self-centered image to desire to stand out, sensitive to fashion. And for fashion code, we got to have 'change and diversity', 'friendliness and playfulness', 'newness and differentiation'.


가와이이, 일본패션, 도쿄 걸즈 컬렉션, 문화적 코드


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