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Title A High-performance Code for Beam Dynamics Simulation of Synchrotrons
  • H.J. Yao, X. Guan, G.R. Li, P.F. Mapresenter, X.W. Wang, Q. Zhang, S.X. Zheng
    TUB, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Abstract This paper introduces a high-performance code Li-track for beam dynamics simulation of synchrotrons. It is a parallel multi-particle tracking program written entirely in C++ and therefore has a high computational speed. The overall design of Li-track is based on object-oriented mode, and the implemented element model can be easily reused to build different synchrotron lattice. The symplectic integral algorithm is used to ensure there are no physical errors in a long-term simulation. This code has been used for the slow extraction simulation of XiPAF synchrotron and the results will be given in this paper.
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Conference IPAC2019
Series International Particle Accelerator Conference (10th)
Location Melbourne, Australia
Date 19-24 May 2019
Publisher JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial Board Mark Boland (UoM, Saskatoon, SK, Canada); Hitoshi Tanaka (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); David Button (ANSTO, Kirrawee, NSW, Australia); Rohan Dowd (ANSTO, Kirrawee, NSW, Australia); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany); Eugene Tan (ANSTO, Kirrawee, NSW, Australia)
Online ISBN 978-3-95450-208-0
Received 30 April 2019
Accepted 23 May 2019
Issue Date 21 June 2019
DOI doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPTS033
Pages 3170-3173
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