Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (IJPP) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award programs. With more...

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Sankha Bhattacharya*, Utkarsha Chhotulal Kuwar

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Dendrimer evolution timeline: Ground-breaking progress in cancer treatment

Guest Editorial

Author Details : Sankha Bhattacharya*, Utkarsha Chhotulal Kuwar

Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2021

Article Page : 179-181

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Dendrimers holds potential in abating restrictions of other available treatments through the development of functionalized particles for targeted treatment. By developing functionalized particles for targeted treatment, dendrimers have the ability to reduce the limitations of other available therapies. Dendrimers have many advantages over other nanoparticles, making them perfect candidates for more efficient and targeted drug delivery. Dendrimers have the ability to deliver vast quantities of drugs to particular locations. They can also be used to monitor the progress of the procedure, giving them a theranostic capability that has never been seen before. Dendrimers show their potential applicability for effective cancer treatment for the near future. These article highlights the evolution timeline of dendrimers and various related aspects of the past four decades. These also involve the basic structure and information of dendrimers along with the current and future perspective. As a result, it is important to study dendrimers in order to keep up with recent developments.

Keywords: Dendrimers, PAMAM dendrimer, Theranostic agents, Polyphenylene dendrimers, Encapsulation, Drug delivery system

How to cite : Bhattacharya S, Kuwar U C, Dendrimer evolution timeline: Ground-breaking progress in cancer treatment. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2021;8(3):179-181

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