Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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Nitin Patiyal, Amit Bhardwaj, Dinesh Kansal*, Atal Sood, Sushma Sawaraj, Ankita Chauhan, Palvi Mittal

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A comparative study of the safety, efficacy, quality of life and pharmacoeconomics of levetiracetam with controlled-release carbamazepine in patients of new onset focal seizures: A randomized controlled academic trial

Original Article

Author Details : Nitin Patiyal, Amit Bhardwaj, Dinesh Kansal*, Atal Sood, Sushma Sawaraj, Ankita Chauhan, Palvi Mittal

Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 35-41

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Background: Carbamazepine is used widely in focal seizures but has the disadvantage of frequent drug interactions. Levetiracetam is a novel antiseizure drug with better pharmacokinetic profile with less drug interactions and having broader therapeutic range.
Aims: The aim of our study was to generate more evidence for better management of focal seizures with available anti-seizure monotherapy.
Materials and Methods: It was a randomized, prospective, open label, comparative interventional study, conducted at Dr. R.P.G.M.C, Kangra at Tanda. 38 participants received tablet levetiracetam (LEV) 1000 mg/day and 36 participants received tablet controlled-release carbamazepine (CBZ-CR) 600 mg/day.
Results: CBZ-CR group had significantly higher CNS depression as compared to LEV (p=0.027). Hematological adverse effects with CBZ-CR were reversible. Both the drugs were safe on kidney and liver. 22 (66.7%) patients in LEV group and 26 (78.8%) in CBZ-CR group remained seizure free. QOL: Both the drugs significantly improved QOL. Pharmacoeconomics: CBZ-CR costed significantly lower than LEV (p<0> Conclusion: Both the drugs are well tolerated and equally efficacious in controlling focal seizures. Quality of- life has improved significantly in both the groups. CBZ-CR is pharmacoeconomically better than LEV for treatment of new onset focal seizures in adult patients.

Keywords: Controlled release carbamazepine, Epilepsy, Focal seizure, Levetiracetam, Pharmacoeconomics.

How to cite : Patiyal N , Bhardwaj A , Kansal D , Sood A , Sawaraj S , Chauhan A , Mittal P , A comparative study of the safety, efficacy, quality of life and pharmacoeconomics of levetiracetam with controlled-release carbamazepine in patients of new onset focal seizures: A randomized controlled academic trial. Indian J Pharm Pharmacol 2021;8(1):35-41

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