Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

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Avnish Jangid*, Sanjeev K Nainiwal, Rakesh Porwal

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Comparative evaluation of the severity of diabetic macular oedema in patients with and without metabolic syndrome

Original Article

Author Details : Avnish Jangid*, Sanjeev K Nainiwal, Rakesh Porwal

Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020

Article Page : 369-373

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Introduction: Diabetic retinopathy may be the most common microvascular complication of diabetes.
Retinopathy develops in one of every four diabetics which is major cause of visual impairment. In
addition to the micro and macrovascular complications of DM, the potential association between Metabolic
syndrome and DR has been also investigated but with inconclusive results
Aims & Objective: Comparative evaluation of the severity of diabetic macular oedema in patients with
and without metabolic syndrome and the association between Diabetic macular oedema with biochemical
parameters (HbA1c, blood sugar, Serum triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL) and Physical parameter (BMI
and Waist Circumference).
Materials and Methods: Hospital-based prospective observational Study involved 80 patients of diabetic
macular oedema carried out over a period of 18 months from January 2018 to June 2019. Based on
criteria of metabolic syndrome they were divided into two groups: 1) with metabolic syndrome 2) without
metabolic syndrome. Socio demographic profile, macular thickness, biochemical parameters and physical
parameters were recorded.
Results: Out of 80 patients, 57 (71.2%) were male and 23 (28.8%) were female. Mean age of the patients
in metabolic syndrome group was 53.684.7 years while mean age of the patients without metabolic
syndrome was 56.0710.14 years. Macular thickness was significantly high in both eyes in subjects with
metabolic syndrome compare to without metabolic syndrome. Macular thickness of both eye was found to
be positively correlated with HbA1C level (for right eye r = 0.50; for left eye r =0.27) and mean arterial
blood pressure eyes (r = 0.41 for right eye & r =0.38 for left eyes). In our study apart from VLDL and
HDL no correlation was seen with other individual cholesterol parameters like Total Cholesterol, LDL and
Conslusion: In conclusion, Metabolic syndrome and few of its components (BMI, MAP) were significantly
associated with an increased risk of macular thickness. However, considering the limitations existed, further
studies would be urgently necessary.

Keywords: Diabetic macular oedema, Metabolic syndrome, Macular thickness, BMI, WC.

How to cite : Jangid A , Nainiwal S K, Porwal R , Comparative evaluation of the severity of diabetic macular oedema in patients with and without metabolic syndrome. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2020;6(3):369-373

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