
Buddhism which was introduced to china at the end of DongHan dynasty goes through the WeijnNanBeiChao era and was in its heyday during SuiTang era. The work to translate Buddhist scripture written in Sanscrit into Chinese during SuiTang era was done. During the translation process, “A book of Buddhist phonology and meaning” was published to figure out the accurate phonology and meaning of the terms in the Buddhist books. “A book of Buddhist phonology and meaning” is a dictionary of Buddhist with abundant vocabulary. In the terms of the words in YiQieJingYinYi, we looked at the words that were actively used but are not used any more today, and we looked at the chronological approach to the usage of these words and the causes of the their extinction. The reason why these words were extinct is as follows. First, it was caused by the weakened morpheme of the words. Second, some morphemes of the words in YiQieJingYinYi were often combined with other morphemes. In this case the combined words with other morphemes increased and the words in the YiQieJingYinYi gradually began to be lost. Third, some of the words in YiQieJingYinYi began to be lost by the new words which was competitively coined in modern times. Fourth, some of the words in YiQieJingYinYi remain in literary style in modern Chinese. In the future, we will continue to do historical research on Chinese vocabulary through continuous study on the words in YiQieJingYinYi.


The extinct words, YiQieJingYinYi, Buddhism, morphemes, meaning


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