
The basic starting point for human beings to contact the whole world lies in the physical experience of human themselves. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the physical experience of human beings is the foundation, the starting point and also the tool that leads them to perceive the world. They extend their physical acknowledge to the cognitive world by metaphors or other cognitive schema which is to be formed as conceptual system. In short, the basic physical experience of human beings plays a vital role in the cognitive process. Human beings observe and distinguish objects by their eyes in daily life, while at the same time, complete the silent communication between one and another by their eyes too. Their eyes are the window of their soul. Not only language, but also the eyes, which belongs to one of the five sense organs, allow human beings to communicate with each other. “眼/目” is the most frequently used word in both Modern Chinese and Modern Korean. In this case, it is called the basic vocabulary. The research object of this article is “眼c/目c” and “눈k/안k” and the article mainly analyzes the semantic image reflected by their single-morpheme words and compound words. On the basis of the class word “眼/目”in both Chinese and Korean dictionary, and with combined theories of cognitive linguistics and comparative linguistics, this article studied the structural meaning and the function meaning which are referred to the two main features of their semantic image. The structural meaning not only refers to the formation of the position and appearance of the eyes, but also refers to the body structure of human beings and animals which reflected by the position of their eyes. By analyzing the linguistic common points and differences between the meaning of Chinese“眼/目”and the meaning of Korean “眼/目”,the article aims at providing practical evidence for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching Korean as a foreign language, the body vocabulary ofboth Chinese and Korean, and Chinese-Korean translation as well.


Semantic image, structure meaning, function meaning, “眼c/目c”, “눈k/안k”, contrast


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