
This study considers Tukiya Aran (2012) by female writer Sakiyama Tami of Okinawa. The novel language of Sakiyama is difficult because she writes in the Okinawan dialect to let natural Japanese context dislocate, uses nonverbal phonetic signs, has a unique inclination of sequence, and enjoys the rhythm of the sound. This becomes more difficult because of the aspect of the other world in the novel based on such language awareness and method of expression. This paper reviews what message Sakiyama conveys, mainly through the mysterious phenomenon in the novel by imagination of the other world. Particularly, the focus is on the écriture (written language) in the novel and the linguistic view of Sakiyama. What do “The Autobiography” of the blank paper, tape recording of voice, and a series of cases that happened around the character of novel, Takamizawa Ryoko mean? These showed a limit of the representation by the written language and violence of the representation for others. Sakiyama hears the voice of people who were suppressed by violent representation, against Okinawan discourse that circulated in Okinawa.


이계, 목소리, 타자표상, 표상의 폭력, 문자언어


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