
DOI :10.18017/iuitfd.315525   IUP :10.18017/iuitfd.315525    Full Text (PDF)


Gülsüm Kayman KürekçiMerve BunsuzGizem ÖnalPervin Rukiye Dinçer

Epigenetic mechanisms affect cellular gene expression levels independently from DNA sequence. Epigenetic modifications can cause heritable phenotypic changes by the influence of environmental factors such as toxicants, nutrition and stress. Specific epigenetic marks that escape embryonic epigenetic reprogramming may have a role in obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease susceptibility through subsequent generations. Recent studies point out that epigenetic may be related with complex diseases with unknown etiopathology. In this review, we summarized the effects of environmental factors on epigenome, epigenetic inheritance mechanisms across generations and related pathologies. 

DOI :10.18017/iuitfd.315525   IUP :10.18017/iuitfd.315525    Full Text (PDF)


Gülsüm Kayman KürekçiMerve BunsuzGizem ÖnalPervin Rukiye Dinçer

DNA dizisinden bağımsız olarak hücrede gen ifadesini değiştiren epigenetik düzenlemeler, toksik maddeler, beslenme ve stres gibi çevresel faktörlerin etkisiyle fenotipte kalıcı değişikliklere neden olabilmektedir. Embriyonik dönemde epigenetik yeniden programlamadan kaçan bazı epigenetik işaretler, sonraki jenerasyonlara aktarılarak obezite, kanser ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklara yatkınlığın oluşmasında rol oynamaktadır. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar, epigenetiğin etyopatolojisi tam olarak açıklanamayan kompleks hastalıklar ile ilişkili olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu derlemede, çevresel faktörlerin epigenom üzerindeki etkileri, bu etkilerin jenerasyonlar boyu aktarım mekanizmaları ve ilişkili olduğu patolojiler özetlenecektir.

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Kürekçi, G.K., Bunsuz, M., Önal, G., & Rukiye Dinçer, P. (2017). INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 80(1), 45-63.


Kürekçi G K, Bunsuz M, Önal G, Rukiye Dinçer P. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 2017;80(1):45-63.


Kürekçi, G.K.; Bunsuz, M.; Önal, G.; Rukiye Dinçer, P. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, [Publisher Location], v. 80, n. 1, p. 45-63, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kürekçi, Gülsüm Kayman, and Merve Bunsuz and Gizem Önal and Pervin Rukiye Dinçer. 2017. “INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 80, no. 1: 45-63.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kürekçi, Gülsüm Kayman, and Merve Bunsuz and Gizem Önal and Pervin Rukiye Dinçer. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 80, no. 1 (Apr. 2024): 45-63.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kürekçi, GK & Bunsuz, M & Önal, G & Rukiye Dinçer, P 2017, 'INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY', Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 45-63, viewed 26 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kürekçi, G.K. and Bunsuz, M. and Önal, G. and Rukiye Dinçer, P. (2017) ‘INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY’, Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 80(1), pp. 45-63. (26 Apr. 2024).


Kürekçi, Gülsüm Kayman, and Merve Bunsuz and Gizem Önal and Pervin Rukiye Dinçer. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 80, no. 1, 2017, pp. 45-63. [Database Container],


Kürekçi GK, Bunsuz M, Önal G, Rukiye Dinçer P. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. 26 Apr. 2024 [cited 26 Apr. 2024];80(1):45-63. Available from: doi: 10.18017/iuitfd.315525


Kürekçi, GülsümKayman - Bunsuz, Merve - Önal, Gizem - Rukiye Dinçer, Pervin. INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS AND ITS ROLE IN DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 80/1 (Apr. 2024): 45-63.


Published Online31.03.2017


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