
These days Historical lesson in elementary school is in progress based on the demands by the government. It is well showed that the government manage the compilation of books such as guide of curriculum, textbook, guidebooks for teachers. Teachers are conducting their lessons based on the demends of government. Historical lessons were conducted by the view of Nationalism in Korea as well as Japan. The problem is that two countries conduct the historical lesson with different point of views. The study is to analyze the real historical lessons of each countries based on problems of the viewpoints of Nationalism. Im-Jin War(Japan is invasion of korea in 1592), the relational event of two countries was chosen as objective analysis. First, this study compared the national education guidebooks such as the guide of curriculum, guidebooks for teachers of Korea and teaching manuals of Japan to understand the direction of historical education of both countries. Second, this study compared the text and figure of two nation's textbooks to understand how to embody the directions of historical education of both countries. And the comparison of lessons were conducted through the lesson plans and the materials for lesson of both teachers, considering of the differences of textbook description and the direction of historical education. From this, this study tries to find the differences of the way of teaching about Im-Jin War in both countries. Finally, after historical class, this study compared and surveyed what did the students remember and what kind of viewpoints did they have about Im-Jin War.


임진왜란, 국가주의 관점, 사회과, 한국과 일본


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