
The Bronze Drum of Southeast Asia which is traditional musical instrument was made from BC 5c to AD 20c. The earlyest Bronze Drum of Southeast Asia was discovered on Dong Son Province in the Northern area of Vietnam and its Form and Design is similar to those of the Northern Area of China such as Yunnan Province. So We know that the Origin of the Bronze Drum of Southeast Asia is started in the Northern Area of China. The Bronze Drum of Heger I Type was made in the BC 5c and was excavated in the all area of the Southeast Asia except the Philippines. and The Bronze Drum of Heger II Type was discovered in the middle Area of Vietnam, in the North Area and in the eastern Area of Thailand. The tympanum of the Bronze Drum of Heger II Type was decorated with Frog. The Karen Bronze Drums of Burma were manufactured from 11c to 20c. they belong to the type of Heger III. The Form of the Karen Bronze Drums is silmer than the drum of Heger I and II. Their Design have traditional elements such as flying Bird and Human Beings having a wings of Bird and New elements such as Decoration of elephant and Lothus on tympanum of Drum. and New elements are related to Buddhism of Southeast Asia. In result, the Drums of the Southeast Asia have a important meanings to study on the Origin of Metal Culture of Southeast Asia and the reception and variation of Chinese Culture and Civilization in Korea.


동남아시아, 청동북, 헤거, 베트남, 동선문화


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