OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions

Selected studies on finance, insurance and private pensions policy prepared for dissemination in order to stimulate wider discussion and further analysis and obtain feedback from interested audiences. The studies provide timely analysis and background on industry developments, structural issues, and public policy in the financial sector. Topics include risk management, governance, investments, benefit protection, and financial education. Previous papers addressing these policy issues are available via http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/19936397.


Measuring Financial Literacy

Results of the OECD / International Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study

This paper presents the findings from an OECD International Network on Financial Education pilot study undertaken in 14 countries. The analysis focuses on variations in financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude across countries and within countries by socio-demographics.

The results highlight a lack of financial knowledge amongst a sizeable proportion of the population in each of the countries surveyed. Furthermore, there is considerable room for improvement in terms of financial behaviour. Attitudes are shown to vary widely.

These results will enable countries to identify needs and gaps in financial education provision and develop national policies or strategies. They also provide a sound evidence base for developing OECD recommendations and principles.


JEL: D14: Microeconomics / Household Behavior and Family Economics / Household Saving; Personal Finance; D12: Microeconomics / Household Behavior and Family Economics / Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis; D63: Microeconomics / Welfare Economics / Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement; D18: Microeconomics / Household Behavior and Family Economics / Consumer Protection
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