Seven years simulating hybrid energy systems with Homer Legacy

Published: 25 March 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ybxsttf2by.2
, Fausto A. Canales,


Homer Legacy software is a well-known software for simulation of small hybrid energy systems that can be used for both design and research. This dataset is a set of files generated by Homer Legacy bringing the simulation results of hybrid energy systems over the last seven years, as a consequence of the research work led by Dr. Alexandre Beluco, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil. This dataset is being published in conjunction with a paper in Data Science Journal, which presents further explanations about the hybrid energy systems that were simulated and the papers that publish and discuss the results. The readme.pdf file included in this dataset and the associated article provide more details. These files are made available both for their educational nature, as case studies, and for the possibilities of research that can always be opened from the dissemination of research data. The next steps of this research point to the study of the influence of energetic complementarity on the performance of hybrid systems and to the study of hybrid systems equipped with hybrid storage,


Steps to reproduce

The Homer Legacy was used to generate the data available in this dataset and this software is available for free at the link provided by, as described in the data article associated to this dataset. For each of the hybrid energy systems that were simulated and whose results appear in the files available here, the software received energy availability data for each of the energy resources employed, the software also received the demand profile of the consumer loads and also received technical information on each of the components of the hybrid systems. The Homer software performs simulations of these hybrid systems for all values of the optimization and sensitivity variables, for a period of one year, performing a technical economic analysis for the period (usually 20-25 years) of project analysis. The criterion for choosing optimal solutions is the criterion of the lowest total net present cost, considering the total period of analysis of the project. The files indicated above then present the results of all these simulations. The readme.pdf file included in this dataset and the associated article provide more details.


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Energy Engineering, Energy Systems, Energy Storage, Hybrid Renewable Energy Technology, Renewable Energy, Feasibility Study, Energy Systems Engineering
