MOOC "Educational Innovation and Professional Development. Possibilities and Limits of ICT. "Experience from an European Educommunication Project ECO




The European Project (E-learning, Communication, includes) ECO is potentializing an educational model that seeks to avoid all kinds of hierarchical and one-way communication, since the new reality of the MOOC. Based on the principles of equity, social inclusion, accessibility, autonomy and openness, the empowerment of students becomes reality with this proposal for an innovative training, breaking the barriers of the digital space of the course MOOC to affect the social layer from the interaction in social networks.

Taking as a referencea MOOCof ECO, the results presented in this study have been analyzed from a qualitative methodology opting for analysis, such as intentional sample, virtual learning community that develops in the course. It is intended to achieve with the research aims to analyze the written speech that keep teachers and participants of the MOOC "Educational innovation and professional development. The possibilities and limitations of ICT", within the forums and groups. It is opted for this type of analysis to identify the advantages and disadvantages that the members of the learning community value around the course object of study. According to figure in the project itself, this proposal is presented as an invitation to reflect on the role that the massive formation, online and open plays today, in any learning process, a perspective in educational communication.


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How to Cite

Gil Quintana, J. (2015). MOOC "Educational Innovation and Professional Development. Possibilities and Limits of ICT. "Experience from an European Educommunication Project ECO. Qualitative Research in Education, 4(3), 299–325.


