Teach or Perish: The Stavka System and its Impact on the Quality of Instruction 

  • Gita Steiner-Khamsi Columbia University
Keywords: teachers, educational reforms, teacher salary systems, the teaching load (stavka), the weekly workload system


The post-Soviet teacher salary system is referred to as a “teaching load” (stavka) system, because the number of teaching hours accounts for the wide range of teachers’ income. This article discusses the challenges of the stavka system, presents a few changes and modifications over time, and provides examples of salary reforms of two countries: the 2007 teacher salary reform in Mongolia and the 2011 reform in K yrgyzstan. The UNICEF Kyrgyzstan study identifies six negative consequences of the high correlation between the salary and the number of hours taught: vulnerability of teachers, micromanagement of teachers, overcrowding of schools, vacancies as placeholders or “strategic vacancies”, excessive teaching loads, the redistribution of teaching hours to non-specialists. The Government of Mongolia successfully replaced the teaching load system with a workload system in 2007. In Kyrgyzstan, the re-stratification process led to a revolt of those who lost in the wake of the reform. Within a period of two years only, they ensured that the stavka-system was, with a few exceptions, put back in place. 


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How to Cite
Steiner-Khamsi Gita. 2016. “Teach or Perish: The Stavka System and Its Impact on the Quality of Instruction ”. Voprosy Obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow, no. 2 (June), 14-39. https://doi.org/10.17323/1814-9545-2016-2-14-39.
Recruitment, Education and Retention of Teachers: Issues and Challenges in the Eastern/Central Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia

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