
This paper studies two problems. One is to discriminate the CP(Complex Predicates) from Base-separation of word, the other is to investigate whether [V-어 AV(auxiliary verbs)], [V-어 V] is the CP. And the concept of CP which is adopted in this paper is based on Lee Ho-Seung(2003). 1. [X+Hada] is split into two classes. [X+hada] as the CP have all or more than one of the following syntactic phenomena:① X can be modify by the modifiers,② X can become head of the relative clause, ③ the general adverbials can be located between X and Hada, ④ the one more Xs can be connected. The other hand, [X+hada] as word has not one of this syntactic phenomena. 2. [V-어 AV] is essentially syntactic construction. Auxiliary verb often constructions function as if it is morphological unit. But This appearance is not because syntactic [V-어 AV] is restructured as the morphological form, but because AV is syntactic-semantically dependant on V. Auxiliary verb construction is not the CP in that [V-어 AV] can't have argument structure. 3. Some [V-어 V]s is regarded as serial verb constructions(SVC). This theory considers SVC as the independent constructions which is not coordinate sentences and not compound verbs. But syntactic phenomena of the so-called SVC prove that this constructions is not SVC but coordinate sentences. Also morphological characteristics of this constructions make us admit the compound verbs which is the same forms as the so-called SVC. Finally I argue that SVC doesn't exist and it is unnecessary that ask whether SVC is the CP.


CP(Complex Predicates), [X+Hada], Base-separation of word, [V-어 AV(auxiliary verbs)], [V-어 V], compound verbs, SVC(Serial Verb Constructions), argument structure.


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