
This thesis aims to research on Chinese learners’ acquisition process for Korean phonological rules, and on which rules are easy to acquire and which are not. And also, I am going to make clear factors that affect acquisition process for Korean phonological rules with quickness and easiness. For this study, this thesis researched a group of students studying Korean at Korean Language and Culture Center in K University. The process of research is as follows;Step 1. Selecting Korean phonological rules for research. Step 2. Making sentences including selected phonological rules. Step 3. Recording and transcribing speeches of each student. Step 4. Analyzing each speech. Selecting Korean phonological rules, I considered two facts. First, these rules are shown and explained in Korean language textbooks for level 1, 2, 3students. Second, even though not shown in textbooks they were needed to learn for Chinese learners. Results of research are as follow. First, The acquisition of Korean phonological rules closely related with the presenting order of phonological rules. But the frequency of experiencing and contacting rules, such as changing to plain plosive, are acquired regardless the presenting order of phonological rules. Second, in cases of being interference of mother tongue, the acquisition of phonological rules are not acquired for a long time. Finally, the simple rules are acquired with easiness, but difficult rules in finding patterns like the simplification of consonant cluster are delayed.


음운규칙 습득(phonological rule acquisition), 중간언어(interlanguage), 중국인 학습자(Chinese learners), 한국어 발음 교육(teaching pronunciation of Korean), 한국어 음운규칙(the phonological rule of Korean)


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