
This thesis examines how the poetry of Takyeung kim Ilson's (濯纓 金馹孫:1464∼1498) are linked with life, and what the spiritual sphere in which is. The characteristics of his poetry can be summarized into several things. It is the destitution of reality and the vast-flowing spirit of the ego. He lived a life of distress himself but his spirit was wide. It is the affirmation of reality and pursuit of the ideal world. His home of spirit was the virtual idealism. An ultimate goal of his life was unity of nature and man. The persona in his poetry corresponded with nature and human beings. He put superior to the spirit rather than reason and character. He looked upon confucian ethics and liberal art as important. In poetry revealed the historical view is the historical view of Choonchu. His view of life is empiricism from the cultivation of disposition. An atmosphere through his poetry is the inseparability of knowledge and practice. The styles of his poetry is tranquility and thinness especially in his describing amusements. In conclusion, the spiritual sphere in Takyeung kim Ilson's poetry possess powerfulness and tenderness.


the fundamentals of righteousness, the historical view of Choonchu, the inseparability of knowledge and practice, tranquility, an atmosphere


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