
The purpose of this paper is to find out what the literary man tried to learn from 『Sagi(史記)』in the late Joseon, according to the examination on their perception and estimation about it. They had revaluated it incessantly because of its value as an outstanding literary work. At that time, they regarded it as a history and an exemplary text to learn writing and made an effort to study it in diverse ways, which led to change the wat of reading it. They also sought to appreciate it in two points of view. One is to show the literary value of it by comparing it with「Hanseo(漢書)」. The other is the evaluation about the way of writing inꡔSagi(史記)ꡕ: the suitable usage of a foreshadow, the construction of a narrative centering around a scene, and the well-matched description of a narrative and argument. As above, this evaluation of the literary men in the late Joseon is worth to be watched with interest due to offering a clue which makes us know an aspect of their ability to learn and way to study, by throwing out the tangibly real fact about what they struggled to learn from it.


조선후기, 『사기』, 문장학습, 전범적 텍스트, 우열론, 서술기법


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