
This study aims to examine the effect of pitch-based pronunciation teaching of Korean plosives to Chinese and Mongolian learners of Korean. The participants of the study were 20 second language learners of Korean (10 Chinese and 10 Mongolian learners of Korean). For each language group, they were divided into two groups depending on the teaching method with which they were taught: 5 participants for a control group and 5 participants for an experimental group. The L2 learners of the control group were taught the pronunciation of Korean plosives using the audio-lingual method, whereas those who were in the experimental group were taught employing a pitch-based pronunciation teaching method. In order to examine the effectiveness of the latter teaching method, both pre-test and post-test, in which pitch values of plosives were measured, were conducted before and after pronunciation teaching. The major finding of the study is that only the pitch-based pronunciation teaching method is effective in that L2 learners of the experimental group changed their pronunciation of Korean plosives from pre-test to post-test. Specifically, they were able to pronounce Korean lenis, fortis, and aspirated stops with different pitch values after being taught using pitch-based pronunciation teaching method


한국어파열음, 중국인 한국어 학습자, 몽골인 한국어 학습 자, 청각구두교수법, 피치, 발음교수법, 사전조사, 사후조사


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