
Evidentiality can be expressed by either grammatical forms or lexical units. This paper analyzes lexical evidentiality in Korean. Korean shows three different groups of lexical units expressing evidentiality. Firstly, evidential meanings can be expressed by verbs such as ‘po- (to see), tut- (to hear), chwuchukha- (to assume), nukki- (to feel)'. They explicitly indicate the way the subject has gained evidence about the described situation or event. Secondly, evidential meanings can be expressed by adverbials such as ‘nolahgey (yellow), ccayngkulanghako (with a sound of tinkling), ssanulhakey- (with a chill)'. They describe concrete and personal experience and allude which sense the experiencer/observer has used to gain relevant information. Direct evidentiality is part of their intrinsic meaning, hence they are not adequate with 2nd or 3rd person subject. Mimetic adverbs describing inner sensations of an experiencer also have an intrinsic endophoric evidential meaning, which forces them to appear only with 1st person subject not with 2nd or 3rd person subject. Thirdly, the most systematic way to lexically differentiate evidential meanings in Korean is the distinction of psychological adjectives and psychological verbs. Psychological adjectives such as ‘chwup- (to be cold), paykopu- (to be hungry) oylop- (to be lonely), sulpu- (to be sad), (-ko) siph- (to want)' describe mental, emotional or physiological state of an experiencer, which cannot be directly perceived by someone else. They intrinsically have the meaning of endophoric evidentiality, because of which they are not appropriate with 2nd or 3rd person subject. When Korean adds ‘-e ha-' after psychological adjectives, it creates psychological verbs which express that people have drawn conclusion on someone else's inner state on the basis of indirect signs such as observable external physical states. Because of the indirect evidentiality encompassed in the psychological verbs, they do not usually occur with 1st person subject.


grammatical evidentiality, lexical evidentiality, participatory evidentiality, endophoric evidentiality, psychological adjective, psychological verb, subject restriction


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