J. For. Sci., 2015, 61(2):55-61 | DOI: 10.17221/86/2014-JFS

Monumental trees and their existence value: the case study of an Italian natural parkOriginal Paper

A. Asciuto, V. Borsellino, M. D'Acquisto, C.P. Di Franco, M. Di Gesaro, E. Schimmenti
Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy

This paper aims to the valuation of the benefits that a local community living in a protected area may perceive with regard to the presence of monumental trees. Financial resources to be destined for protection interventions have been decreasing more and more, with a high risk of losing this natural heritage. A CVM survey was carried out among theMadoniePark(Sicily,Italy) resident households, to evaluate the existence value of monumental trees of the Nature Trail named "Piano Sempria-Piano Pomo", represented by a population of "Giant hollies" and by 7 other individual trees. These are the main results of the CVM survey: the overall response rate was 40%, individual average WTPs were €12.37 for the protection of the holly population and €13.45 for all the monumental trees along the Nature Trail. The median WTPs were respectively €2.00 and €5.00. The aggregate WTP estimates for the Park residents range from a minimum of €10,520.40 to a maximum amount of €83,479.37 depending upon the investigated resource and the statistics considered.

Keywords: Contingent Valuation Method, Giant hollies, Parks, Sicily, Willingness To Pay

Published: February 28, 2015  Show citation

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Asciuto A, Borsellino V, D'Acquisto M, Di Franco CP, Di Gesaro M, Schimmenti E. Monumental trees and their existence value: the case study of an Italian natural park. J. For. Sci.. 2015;61(2):55-61. doi: 10.17221/86/2014-JFS.
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