Vet Med - Czech, 2004, 49(9):339-342 | DOI: 10.17221/5714-VETMED

A case of anterior iris cyst in an akbash dog

M. Saroglu, K. Altunatmaz, Y. Devecioglu
Surgery Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey

In this case presentation, an uncomplicated anterior iris cyst encountered in an 8-year-old female Akbash dog has been discussed. While these structures may be congenital, they may also develop secondarily due to trauma or chronic inflammation. Following systemic examination, the iris cyst was diagnosed to be present in the 5-6 o'clock position and that it was attached to the pupillary margin on the anterior surface of the iris. There were no abnormalities in any of the intraocular structures. No intervention of treatment was made, since the anterior iris cyst in the patient did not cause either corneal opacity or an increase in intraocular pressure.

Keywords: iris cyst; uveal cyst; Anatolian Sheepdog; Akbash

Published: September 30, 2004  Show citation

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Saroglu M, Altunatmaz K, Devecioglu Y. A case of anterior iris cyst in an akbash dog. Vet Med-Czech. 2004;49(9):339-342. doi: 10.17221/5714-VETMED.
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