Czech J. Anim. Sci., 2010, 55(5):183-189 | DOI: 10.17221/306/2009-CJAS

Circadian rhythms of redox states and total locomotor activity in dairy cattle

C. Giannetto1, F. Fazio1, A. Assenza1, G. Caola1, P. Pennisi2, G. Piccione1
1 Department of Experimental Sciences and Applied Biotechnology, Laboratory of Veterinary Chronophysiology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
2 Department of Agronomic and Agrochemical Sciences and Animal Production, Section of Animal Production, University of Catania, Catania, Italy

We want to study the circadian rhythm of dROMs and anti-oxidative power in dairy cattle during dry period and the possible involvement of the circadian organization of rest/activity cycles in the fluctuation of redox state. For this purpose we recorded TLA in five clinically healthy Bruna Italian dairy cattle by means of an actigraphy-based data logger, Actiwatch-Mini®. Blood samples were collected every 3 hours over a 48-hour period for the assessment of free radicals (dROMs) and the antioxidant power: antioxidant barrier (Oxy-ads) and thiol-antioxidant barrier (SHp). All animals were in the same productive period (dry) and they were housed in the same stable under natural photoperiod and ambient temperature. One-way repeated measure ANOVA was used to determine a statistical significant effect of time on the studied parameters. A trigonometric statistical model was applied to characterize the main rhythmic parameters according to the single cosinor procedure. A significant effect of time on all studied parameters was observed. They showed a diurnal acrophase and different degrees of robustness of rhythms. In conclusion, we can claim that there is a synergism between the dROM circadian rhythm and the circadian rhythm of anti-oxidative power. These rhythms do not have any implication for the issue of causation with the TLA circadian rhythms.

Keywords: dairy cattle; free radicals; oxidative power; total locomotor activity; daily rhythm

Published: May 31, 2010  Show citation

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Giannetto C, Fazio F, Assenza A, Caola G, Pennisi P, Piccione G. Circadian rhythms of redox states and total locomotor activity in dairy cattle. Czech J. Anim. Sci.. 2010;55(5):183-189. doi: 10.17221/306/2009-CJAS.
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